Empowering Women with Disabilities: ISDI’s Tailoring Triumph

In November 2023, the Inclusive Skills Development Initiative (ISDI) embarked on an ambitious journey to transform the lives of women with disabilities. Partnering with the Advocacy for Women with Disabilities Initiative (AWWDI) and backed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), ISDI launched a 5-month Skills Empowerment Project that would culminate in a triumphant graduation in April 2024.

Three women were selected for this transformative experience, diving into the world of tailoring with Mrs. Abigail Osabu, a master of the craft. Their dedication was palpable, their progress remarkable. Each day, they stitched not just fabrics but also the tapestry of their future, learning the nitty-gritty of tailoring with unwavering focus and determination.

As they honed their skills, ISDI simultaneously strengthened its foundation through capacity-building workshops. Essential skills such as report writing, project proposal development, effective communication, and advocacy strategies were imparted, fortifying ISDI’s organizational structure and succession planning.

The project reached its zenith on April 24, 2024, when the women showcased their handmade clothes at the graduation ceremony. It was a moment of pride and celebration, not just for the graduates but for everyone involved. The women were empowered with essential tools to kickstart their entrepreneurial journey: sewing machines, weaving machines, generators, pressing irons, toolkits, and mirrors, all procured by UNFPA.

ISDI’s commitment to forging an inclusive and equitable world shone brightly as these women, equipped with new skills and tools, stepped confidently into a future of economic independence and community leadership.

This success story is a testament to the power of collaboration and the spirit of empowerment. ISDI, AWWDI, and UNFPA have shown that with the right support, women with disabilities can unleash their potential and become agents of change in their communities and beyond.

  • Date
    April 2024
  • Client Name